5.12 四川大地震 成為全城熱話 (5月12日,四川大地震成為全城熱話)
Since 12th May, Si-chuan Earthquake has become the hottest topic.
世界各地已經捐左n咁多錢唻幫四川既"人" (世界各地已經捐了若干多的錢來幫四川的"人")
The people from all over the world have donated some money to help the "victims".
點解無人肯捐比四川既熊貓?? (為什麼沒人肯捐給四川的熊貓?)
Why aren't the donations gone to the pandas?
5.16 學校早會搞左個四川唔知咩 (5月16日,在學校的早會上搞了個什麼四川捐款活動)
On 16th May, my school held a donation activity during the morning assembly.
放左d片 有段 d人係咁喊 佢地喊到好似笑咁 搞到我笑左幾野 都幾大聲 (放了些新聞片,有段看得人們就這麼哭,他們哭的好像笑一樣,弄得我笑了起來,還笑得很大聲)
The news video was shown, some parts of the video showed the scene of crying. They cried like smiling and I laughed a bit loudly for a while.
之後比爸b 打左野XDD 但真係超好笑- -" (然後我被我爸B打了一頓,但我真是覺得超好笑)
After that, my father (Ba-be) bit me, but I really felt funny of this.
我對四川 真係可以講係 無感情 關我叉事咩?? (我對四川,真是可以說是……沒感情!關我什麼事啊?)
I really had no heart in Si-chuan. It's not my business!
我睇d新聞 仲可以笑得出 完全無覺得傷心 同情之類 (我看新聞,還可以笑得出,完全沒有覺得傷心、同情之類)
I'd watched the news, then I laughed without any feeling of sadness and sympathy.
何必搞到自己唔開心呢?? 咁唔開心法..咁打後果一星期 真係要喊哂口?? (何必令到自己不開心呢?這麼不開心,那接下來的一星期,真是要哭喪著臉?)
Why did you make yourself so unhappy? Should I really put on a long face for a week?
已經捐左咁多錢仲要我捐?? 你無野阿??=] (已經捐了這麼多的錢還要我捐?你腦子沒問題啊?)
Someone had donated so much money, why should I donate more? Are you an idiot?
自己都唔夠用 仲要比人用? 都癡癡地既XD (自己都不夠用,還要給別人用?都是犯傻的!)
There're no enough money for myself, why should I give some to them? You are crazy!
都係同賴曉傾得埋d XD (還是跟賴曉能聊得來)
I used to get along with Lai-hiu.
出禮堂門口 有2個男生 拎住個箱 個個都捐 我同賴曉都超high唔捐XD (出禮堂門口,有兩個男生拿著捐款箱,人人都捐,我和賴曉卻很爽快地不捐)
I went out of the hall, and saw two boys taking a donation box. Most of the students had donated, but Lai-hiu and I didn't do that.
原來 見其他人都捐 自己都唔捐係咁爽XD (原來,見其他人都捐,自己都不捐是這麼爽)
I found that it's enjoyable for me to do that.
個個都捐 多我一個唔多 少我一個唔少啦 (個個都捐,多我一個不多,少我一個不少啦!)
They all donated. I didn't care about donating nothing.
唔捐都有 3萬6千以上 (不捐都有三萬六千以上)
There would be a lot of donations of over 36 thousands of dollars without my donation.
四川都發達tim啦 (四川都因此發財啦)
Si-chuan would become rich!
外國仲要用美元 歐元 英鎊 (外國的捐款還要用美元、歐元、英鎊)
Some of the foreigners donated with their US dollars, Euro dollars and Pounds.
滙過唻人民幣 咩都夠啦係咪阿?? (匯過來換成人民幣,什麼都夠啦,不是嗎?)
If the donations are exchanged to RMB, it's enough, isn't it?
大陸d野仲要咁平.. (大陸的東西還要這麼便宜……)
The things in mainland were so cheap then.
咩都夠Q哂啦 (什麼都夠啦!)
It's all enough!
點解無人理D 熊貓?? (為什麼沒人理會那些熊貓?)
Why the pandas are overlooked?
熊貓國寶喎大佬 大過哂D 屍體啦 (熊貓是國寶哦!比災民的屍體重要得多啦!)
Pandas are national treasures of China. They're more important than the dead bodies!
就唻絶種啦喎...仲唔理? 第時D熊貓無哂你地好野.. (快要絕種啦哦……還不管?以後熊貓都沒了,你們真行……)
They'll become extinct , but all of you still overlook them. If this happens, what will you do?
OK 你可以話 D熊貓對我地唻講無用 (行,你可以說那些熊貓對我們來說沒用)
Okay, you can say the pandas are useless for us.
D死屍夠無用啦 有屁用咩? (那些死屍倒不也是沒用,有屁用嗎!)
But the dead bodies are useless, too!
就算死唔去果D仲 爛手爛腳啦 (就算是死不了的那些災民,還不是爛手爛腳啦!)
Even though some of the victims are not dead, some of them are seriously injured.
對我地無影響囉唔該 (對我們沒有影響哦,不好意思)
It's no effect on us. Pardon.
D熊貓就唻絶種啦 佢地死哂點有下一代 (那些熊貓快要絕種啦!它們死光了,怎會有下一代?)
The pandas are disappearing in the future, they'll not have generations.
中國點會有國寶? D熊貓生係中國真係ON MY GOD! (中國還怎麼會有國寶?那些熊貓生在中國真是糟糕)
Why are there national treasures in China? It's disgusting that the pandas are born in China!
四川D人有叉用咩? 對社會無影響 (四川的人有什麼鳥用?他們對社會沒影響!)
The people in Si-chuan are useless! They're no effects for the society.
係!!!! 有影響 呢家咪有影響囉 搞到d無謂錢嘔哂去d垃圾到 (是!有影響!現在不就有影響啦!弄得那些沒必要的錢都去了那些垃圾那裡!)
Yes, they do. But it's happened! And the money are gone to such garbage!
捐唻都O徙錢 不如唔好捐!! (捐了都浪費錢,不如不要捐!)
It's wasteful to donate money, don't do that!
你地係咪嫌錢多先?? 係既 唔該比熊貓 (你們是不是嫌錢多?是的話,麻煩給熊貓)
Do you think you are rich? If you do, please donate to the pandas.
熊貓係中國獨有動物 已列入世界級保護動物 (熊貓是中國的獨有動物,已列入世界級保護動物)
Pandas are the unique animals in China, which are listed in the protected animals in the world.
四川 已經係死城 真係o徙錢 (四川已經是死城,真是浪費錢)
Si-chuan has been ruined. It's a waste of money.
呢家d野咩都加價 留返d錢比自己好無?? (現在的東西什麼都漲價了,把錢留給自己好不好?)
Now all of the things have risen up, please save the money for yourself.
如果四川有行動 捐比熊貓 我一定捐 (如果四川有行動,要捐給熊貓,我一定會捐)
If there's an activity of donations for pandas in Si-chuan, I'll take part in that.
好過比d垃圾 (比捐給那些垃圾好)
It's better than giving money to the rubbish.
死多d咪好囉 醫院唔洗咁迫 唔洗無位 唔洗怕無得安置佢地 (多死些人不就好了,醫院也不用這麼擠,不用沒位置,不用擔心不能安置他們)
If more people are dead, the hospitals won't be so crowded, and there'll be a plenty of space for the injured people.
唔怕唔夠物資 唔洗怕人口過多 少左d人排放所有垃圾 少左個人失業 唔洗放d錢係佢身上 (不怕不夠物資,不用怕人口過多,少了些人排放所有垃圾,少了個人失業,不用花錢在他身上)
There'll be enough materials for the Si-chuan people, and we won't be worried about the huge population. The less of the people discharging rubbish, the less of jobless people, and we don't need to spend more money on them.
唔洗怕佢地病 至緊要 少左件廢物!!!!! (不用怕他們生病,最主要的是少了件廢物!)
We won't be worried about sickness, because there'll be no much rubbish!
咪幾多好處 (這不是挺多好處嘛)
There're so many benefits!
死多個人 又有大把人捐錢 你地話係咪 死好過唔死先XD (多死個人,又有大把人捐錢,你們說是不是死比不死更好?)
Also, more people will donate if more people die. Do you agree that death is better than being alive?
還掂都死左咁多件 唔差左死多5千個=] (反正都死了這麼多人,也不在乎再多死五千個)
There're lots of dead people, we don't mind more than 5 thousands of dead people.
咁地球真係有救啦=] (那地球就真是有救啦!)
The Earth will be saved!
四川萬歲!!! (四川萬歲!)
Long live, Si-chuan!
四川死哂城 真係抵死 (四川死光,真是該死!)
Si-chuan has been ruined, the damned Si-chuan!
鬼叫佢地大陸咁鐘意 貪污 (誰叫他們大陸這麼喜歡貪污?)
Why are the Chinese poeple like committing corruption?
佢地死 做乜要連累我地喎?? (他們死,為什麼要連累我們?)
They're dead, why are we involved?
真係癡癡地 (真是神經病)
It's crazy!
個個機構 學校 乜叉 乜叉 都搞捐款 (每個機構,學校,什麼鳥,都搞捐款)
All the organisations, schools and so on start the donations.
我地d錢仲得了既?? (我們的錢還得了嗎?)
Why are our money given like that?
我地d錢唔係要比d死屍用嫁 (我們的錢不是要給死屍用的)
Our money aren't be donated for the dead bodies.
唔該有d貢獻好無阿?? (拜託有點貢獻好不好啊?)
Please become contributed!
唔好咁盲目啦 (不要這麼盲目啦!)
Don't be so blind!
佢地咁可憐 (他們這麼可憐)
They're so pitiful.
咁鐘意捐 (你們這麼喜歡捐)
And all of you like donations.
捐哂你地副身家阿笨 (把你全家財產都捐了啊,笨旦!)
You wanna donate your full asset instead, idiot!
人地其實國家捐 千萬 你地捐得果10$以上 幫到d乜叉阿?? (其實其他國家都捐千萬元,你們捐那十塊錢,能幫到什麼啊?)
In fact, other countries only donate for millions of dollars, and you only donate ten dollars. How does it work?
PS 請勿再傻 請勿再捐無謂既錢 (PS:請不要再傻,請不要再捐沒必要的錢!)
PS: Don't be so silly, please never donate your silly money!