
天梯》,香港組合C Allstar首本名作,以重慶江津中山古鎮高灘村的真實愛情故事為藍本的同名歌曲。《天梯》一曲在推出後大受網民歡迎,出現了很多改編歌曲。






編曲:賴映彤@groovision/Adrian Chan@Sense

如可 找個荒島
如冬天欠電爐 雙手擁抱 可跟天對賭

無論有幾高 就如絕路
來跨出那地圖 不需好報 都只想你好

能共你 沿途來爬天梯 不用忌諱
留住你 旁人如何話過不可一世
問我亦無愧 有你可失去我一切

幾多對 持續愛到幾多歲
當生命 仍能為你豁出去
千夫所指裡 誰理登不登對
幾多對 能悟到幾多精髓 能撐 下去
竭力也要為愛盡瘁 抱緊一生未覺累

前方 仍然大霧
能相擁到白頭 一起偕老 不跟天鬥高

前面有幾高 一片荒土
從崎嶇這路途 開墾給你 可走得更好

能共你 沿途來爬天梯 黑夜亦亮麗
留住你 旁人如何 話過不可一世
問我亦無愧 有你可以 拆破這天際

幾多對 持續愛到幾多歲
當生命 仍能為你豁出去
千夫所指裡 誰理登不登對
幾多對 能悟到幾多精髓 能撐 下去
竭力也要為愛盡瘁 抱緊一生未覺累

握著手 而幸福包圍泥牆簡陋
牽著走 懷著勇氣至愛得永久

幾多對 持續愛到幾多歲
不轟烈 如何做世界之最
千夫所指裡 誰理登不登對
幾多對 能悟到幾多精髓 能撐 下去
竭力也要為愛盡瘁 抱緊一生未覺累

幾多對 持續愛到幾多歲
當生命 仍能為你豁出去


編曲:Adrian Chan@Sense

生命 多麼簡單 再辛苦也不過是攀上一座山
我瘦弱的肩膀 一樣可以 為妳變堅強
轉了多少彎 不要去算 我在妳的身邊妳儘管向前看
踏著橋上木板 一步一步 能走到對岸

陪著妳 爬不完的天梯都在我腳底 困難算甚麼東西
只要妳 明白這一切都來之不易 我有何關係 我願揹妳難得我可以
有多累 我都永遠不氣餒 多一歲 我就陪妳走一歲
談不上有為 也總有一雙腿 能揹妳到天上我不疲憊
妳能飛 我為妳感動流淚 世界多美
最後證明我做得對 有甚麼值得後悔

滿身 都是泥土 妳弄髒的笑容也是一種滿足
簡陋的每道牆 圍住幸福 神奇的國度
我也曾無助 卻不痛苦 每個腳印都值得用一生記住
踏平今天的土 能夠開墾 妳明天的路

陪著妳 沒有一道天梯我不能上去 放下全世界也不太可惜
看著妳 明白我為何有這份力氣 跨過了天地 也要為妳才是了不起
有多累 我都永遠不氣餒(有多累) 多一歲(多一歲) 我就陪妳走一歲(陪妳走一歲)
談不上有為 也總有一雙腿(也總有一雙腿) 能揹妳到天上 我不疲憊
妳能飛 我為妳感動流淚(我為妳感動流淚) 世界多美(多美)
最後證明我做得對 有甚麼值得後悔

不停留 天高地厚連在我的雙手
不回頭 毫無保留 有愛我就足夠

有多累 我都永遠不氣餒(我都永遠不氣餒)
我可以 陪妳到韆鞦萬歲(陪妳到韆鞦萬歲)
我是風在吹(風在吹) 妳是風箏在飛(風箏在飛)
妳能飛 我為妳感動流淚(我為妳感動流淚) 世界多美(世界多美)
最後證明我做得對 有甚麼值得後悔
有多累 我都永遠不氣餒 多一歲 我就陪妳走一歲


有網民自行製作並唱出《天梯》英文版《Ladder To Heaven》,頗獲好評。[1]

Could we, just you and me,
Live in a world where there is nothing to worry,
We'll live in harmony, always will be,
We might just be free.

Wherever you may be, always with me,
Whether we're free I'll always be your devotee,
If we've moved oversea, been forced to flee,
You'll be there with me.

When with you, whatever you shall do, I will do too,
As long as we see it through,
And with you, when some people say that our love's untrue,
But in our own view, our love will be more than what they knew.

In what way, will our love forever stay,
Can we pray, for our love to never stray,
Let me do what may, I will be there to say,
I'll carry you for all my life today,
In what way, will we have a price to pay,
What will it weigh, give us the power to convey,
I love you more than I can say.

You see, if you'll agree,
I'll buy your ring and then I'll go down on one knee,
Forever be with me, read the decree,
Will you marry me.

Everyone will see, they will agree,
I want to tell the world that you belong to me,
From here I can foresee, love is the key,
We were meant to be.

When with you, whatever you shall do, I will do too,
As long as we see it through,
And with you, when some people say that our love's untrue,
But in our own view, our love will be more than any two.

In what way, will our love forever stay,
Can we pray, for our love to never stray,
Let me do what may, I will be there to say,
I'll carry you for all my life today,
In what way, will we have a price to pay,
What will it weigh, give us the power to convey,
I love you more than I can say.

We both dare, to make it further than any pair,
who will stare, when we somehow are walking on air

In what way, will our love forever stay,
As I say, we will always be okay,
Let me do what may, I will be there to say,
I'll carry you for all my life today,
In what way, will we have a price to pay,
What will it weigh, give us the power to convey,
I love you more than I can say.

In what way, will our love forever stay,
Can we pray, for our love to never stray.


