《小明上廣州》是繼《小明坐火車》之後又一新作,由韋然作曲填詞,由李家仁醫生主唱,何沛澄和唱(此曲原本由何沛澄主唱,為音樂範本[1])。內容旨在宣揚2010年廣州亞運及廣州文化,但因其歌詞給予網民洗腦之意,加上歌詞裡出現「政治敏感」字眼,例如講到廣東話、煲冬瓜、河蟹等,引起網民關注,在YouTube上更出現大量惡搞及十分鐘洗腦版本。之後更加推出英文版《Siu Ming Visits Guangzhou》[2]。
*Siu Ming to Guangzhou
Rides the train, fast so fast
"Ma Ma what to buy?"
"For our best friends, uncle and aunt?"
@Siu Ming to Guangzhou
See the town, up and down
Turning left and right
Guangzhou Guangzhou round and round
#Cantonese Oh Cantonese
It's so wonderful
Cantonese food, oh so fine
I can eat a boat Bo Goh Dung Gwa Maang Gam Chiu(煲個冬瓜猛咁)
Tell me what it is?
Cantonese or PuTongHua
Oh no! Oh my God!
(Rap One) Hear!
One dollar, one chicken, one dollar, one turtle?
Which is small? which is big?
Brothers and sisters should love each other, it is just for God's sake
In the era of computer, all the things move too quick
We are the world so let's start giving
Siu Ming Gei Chu Ng Ho Cheung Nei Maa Mi Gik(小明記住唔好將你媽咪激!)
Have a morning tea and sing a song, it is the right click!
Hui Sat Yim Sat Gam Gan Gap Chai(去實驗室撳緊急掣)
Siu Ming you are the naughty one
Our grand dad used to walk to Canton, he always tells us "walk don't run"
Time flies but still I dun know how to get all the things done
Walk straight Cantonese, we dun have to please the Americans
Ng Cho Ho Haai Daa Waang Lai(唔做河蟹打橫嚟)
Isn't it just a punch?