
巫堃泰Michael Mo Kwan Tai),「自稱」香港民主派人士,2020-2021年出任屯門三聖區區議員,並於2021年7月潛逃往英國並自稱申請政治庇護。

Michael Mo Kwan Tai, who "claims to be" a pro-democracy activist in Hong Kong, served as a district councillor in Tuen Mun District from 2020 to 2021. In July 2021, he fled to the United Kingdom and self-proclaimed to apply for political asylum.

簡介 Introduction[]



Family situation: Married with one daughter.

Micheal Mo has expressed that he is unwilling to have children and believes that he only had a daughter before marriage to satisfy his wife's desires. He feels that he made sacrifices for his wife and hopes to achieve true freedom after having children.[1][23]




The Civic Party

Mo stated that he joined the Civic Party at the aged 20 with the aim of reforming Hong Kong politics and becoming a responsible political figure. However, he later stopped paying membership fees due to disagreements with the party's ideology, ultimately losing his membership automatically.

However, after 2014, the Civic Party lost the trust of the public on multiple occasions, and Mo observed a shift in public opinion. He took advantage of this by writing letters criticising the Civic Party as disconnected from the people and out of touch with public sentiment in order to gain his own reputation.



Mo Kwan Tai ran for the position of Graduate Representative in the University of Hong Kong Council Elections but was defeated by Zhu Ke. Mo accused Zhu Ke of using WeChat to gift red pockets for vote-buying.[3]

Mo was also accused of plagiarism in his campaign materials, with allegations that he copied designs from Aaron Yung-Chen Nieh. He even claimed on social media that his design was inspired by Tsai Ing-Wen's election campaign office and considered his design to be exceptionally outstanding.[4]


惡搞林鄭月娥競選網站 Satirical mockery of Carrie Lam's election website[]

  • 2017年1月25日,前政務司司長林鄭月娥的競選特首選舉網站啟用,同時網上廣傳另一惡搞網站「」,頁面內容為一卷廁紙,似是諷刺林鄭的「廁紙門」事件。網站擁有人為社運人士巫堃泰。《立場新聞》記者翻查資料,發現該網的擁有人為社運人士巫堃泰,網址已登記個多月。[5]



On January 25, 2017, former Chief Secretary for Administration Carrie Lam's campaign website for the Chief Executive election was launched. Simultaneously, another satirical website called "" began circulating online. The webpage featured a roll of toilet paper, seemingly mocking Carrie Lam's "toilet paper gate" incident. The owner of the website was identified as Michael Mo Kwan Tai. Reporters from "Stand News" conducted an investigation and found that the website had been registered for several months.

On July 12, 2017, Michael Mo Kwan Tai posted on Facebook that he had received a call from the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC), requesting his assistance in an investigation related to the website and its election expenses. Mo Kwan Tai argued that both international human rights conventions and the "Hong Kong Bill of Rights Ordinance" protect the freedom of expression for Hong Kong residents. He also pointed out that many people with the same domain name as could potentially be affected, and he expressed concern that this incident might turn into another political investigation, potentially leading to the suppression of freedom of expression or even invoking the concept of "white terror."

Note: Michael Mo usually gift domain names to his female friends as well.[7]

抵英申政治庇護 Mo's application for political asylum in the United Kingdom.[]


其後被證實拋低妻女自行前往英國,其妻linkedin 於2021年12月顯示他仍然在香港匯豐銀行工作[9]


巫亦曾在學術研究會上所有表示主張撤回難民申請,以BNO VSIA 入境的政治人士均為錯誤,毫無思慮曾參與反送中人士的困難和現實情況。

Mo originally aimed to pursue a middle-ground political path and had never presented himself as a protester. However, in July 2021, he claimed that he couldn't sleep peacefully anymore and applied for refugee asylum in London, UK. (It is currently unverified whether he entered the UK using a BNO visa or under asylum policy)[8]

It was confirmed that Mo left his wife and daughter behind in Hong Kong and traveled to the UK. His wife's LinkedIn profile as of December 2021 indicated that she was still working at HSBC in Hong Kong.[9]

At the same time, Mo also encouraged his two former legislative assistants to apply for a free university education program as refugees, but unfortunately, their applications were not approved, and the savings of these former legislative assistants were running out, leading to a difficult life.

Mo has also expressed his stance in various academic research forums, advocating for the withdrawal of refugee applications and considering those who enter the United Kingdom with a BNO VSIA (Visa Scheme for BNOs) as being in error. Mo's viewpoint has demonstrated a lack of consideration for the challenges and real-life situations faced by individuals involved in the anti-extradition bill (anti-send back) movement.

青年新政參選時期(2014-2016年)During the period of candidacy for the Youngspiration (2014-2016)[]




Engagement with Youngspiration in Election

At the outset of his involvement with Youngspiration's election campaign, Mo consistently voiced his disagreement with the party's political approach. He used his social media platforms to critique the party's adoption of a radical stance during the Legislative Council elections.

However, as the Legislative Council election campaign reached its conclusion, and it became evident that Youngspiration's candidate, Yau Wai-ching, had a strong chance of winning in Kowloon West, Mo took proactive steps. He reached out to Yau and encouraged her to lend her support to the construction of the third runway at the airport. At that time, this issue had received limited media attention, and the likelihood of a judicial review was very low.[10]

Ultimately, Yau Wai-ching emerged victorious in the Kowloon West Legislative Council election. Subsequently, Mo Kwan Tai put himself forward as a policy researcher and requested a part-time salary of $33,000 per month.

Note: On a separate note, during the early stages of the election, Mo had assisted Roy Tam Hoi-Pong in his candidacy with the goal of defeating Eddie Chu Hoi-dick. However, Roy Tam eventually withdrew from the election due to personal reasons. In addition to his frustration with this outcome, Mo also criticised Roy Tam for withdrawing without a clear explanation.[11]



During the anti-extradition bill movement, a period marked by significant public sentiment, Mo claimed himself as a localist and aspired to be on par with prominent Hong Kong political leaders like Nathan Law. He publicly asserted that he engaged in "international networking." This involved establishing connections with the Taiwan People's Party, founded by Ko Wen-je, which aimed to foster dialogue and cooperation between Hong Kong and Taiwan.[12](Note: Prior to this, Mo had been engaged in promotional work for Amnesty International, focusing on issues related to human rights activists in China, Singapore, and global warming-induced excessive hunger among polar bears, leading to their struggle for survival.)[13]



起因為屯門區議會內無人支持他出選立法會選舉,亦認同先讓市民初選,再集中票源對抗建制派的選舉策略的制度,故此巫與學生歷量打正旗號反對初選,並指初選經費應用於反修例示威者身上(巫一路以來並沒有用自己錢捐款)。及後巫更依賴健吾以及容樂其的輔仁媒體作宣傳以參選立法會 [14]

同年,王百羽參加初選出戰超級立法會席位,獲得朱凱迪團隊支持,而巫則指王百羽曾是 #allinhk 的候選人,卻需要朱凱迪支持並不可取,感歎這選舉策略不智及讓人覺得「情何以堪」。及後,觀塘裕民坊交通中心開通時,以三聖區議員身份痴張敏峰落區視察,實際唔知做左乜除左打卡,不贅。

Shortly after being elected as the Tuen Mun Sam Shing District Councillor for less than a year, Mo immediately came into conflict with the Tuen Mun Ten Brothers. (The Ten district councillors in Tuen Mun)

The root cause of this conflict stemmed from the fact that no one within the Tuen Mun District Council supported his involvement for the Legislative Council election. The Ten district councillors in Tuen Mun also agreed that it was better to let citizens participate in primaries before consolidating votes as part of the election strategy against pro-establishment candidates.[14]

Therefore, Mo, under the guise of standing up for students and emphasising the need to oppose primaries, criticised the use of funds for the primaries, suggesting that they should be allocated to support protesters against the extradition bill. (Note: Throughout this period, Mo did not contribute his own money to donations.)

Subsequently, Mo relied on the promotion provided by Anthony Ip and Rocky Yung Lok-Kei from the VJ Media as part of his campaign for the Legislative Council. (Note: Mo conducted a Facebook live steaming to explain his legislative council candidacy, then requested a campaign fund of HK$790,000 from the government, while the aforementioned individuals provided HK$200,000 as consulting fees.)

In the same year, Henry Wong Pak Yu participated in the primaries of District Council (second) functional constituency with the support of the Eddie Chu Choi-dick's team. Mo criticised Henry Wong Pak Yu, stating that he was a candidate for #allinhk but now needed Eddie Chu Choi-dick's support, considering this election strategy unwise and emotionally distressing.

Later on, when the Kwun Tong Yue Man Square Transport Complex opened, Mo, in his capacity as a District Councillor of Sam Shing, visited the area for inspection. However, his visit appeared to be perfunctory, as it was unclear what practical purpose it served beyond taking photos.


  • 2019年9月,黃埔紅磡區區議會初選,巫因與任國棟熟悉在了解過當區情況,便指責小黃紙政治抺黑,更在網上聲援任國棟,並要求紅土家讓路,不要參加區選。September 2019, Mo, due to his familiarity with Yum Kwok-tung, accused "Whampaper" of engaging in political smears upon understanding the local situation. He voiced support for Yum Kwok-tung online and called on the Hung To Alliance to step aside and not participate in the district election.
  • 2019年10月(屯門遊行):巫以發起人自居,但當抗爭者出現,便便在遊行隊伍立馬消失。而在屯門遊行前,巫曾接受訪問,其發言內容如下:「警方嘗試將『反送中』遊行後一些衝突的行為,將我們和平遊行集會的申請人連上關係,是十分不理智和有污衊之名。」[15]October 2019, Mo positioned himself as one of the organizers, but as soon as the protesters appeared, he promptly disappeared from the march. Prior to the Tuen Mun March, Mo had given an interview where he stated, "The police's attempt to link the acts of some conflicts after the 'Anti-Extradition Bill' marches with our peaceful march and rally organizers is highly irrational and defamatory."
  • 2020年6月,因替屯門三聖藍陣營莊醫生宣傳,後指對方沒親手行兇故認為宣傳沒有問題,被網民冠名為「藍巫巫」[16]June 2020, Mo promoted for Dr. Chuang on behalf of the Tuen Mun Sam Shing Estate, and later claimed that Dr. Chuang didn't commit violence personally, he believed that the promotion was not a problem, leading netizens to nickname him "Blue Mo Mo."(Pro-government Micheal Mo)
  • 2020年6月,巫缺席17 區民主派區議員聯合會議。當日議題為撤回「港版國安法」,巫指當日的聯合會議並不是以英國下議院的形式進行,無法發言故沒興趣出席,自己寧願將時間留給國際線(台灣外交)、以及地區事務。[17][18]In June 2020, Mo was absent from the 17 District Democratic Councillors' Union meeting. The topic of the day was the withdrawal of the "Hong Kong version of the National Security Law." Mo explained that the meeting did not follow the format of the UK House of Commons and, as a result, he was unable to speak. He stated he had no interest in attending and preferred to allocate his time to international affairs (Taiwan diplomacy) and regional matters.[17][18]